My Spiritual Awakening
My Spiritual Awakening
What started with curiosity led me to Sacred Shroom. After weighing the benefits and risks, I decided to go for it. After two sessions, I have improved my understanding of myself, people, and my outlook on life. I had not realized I had so much bottled up inside of me that was creating a block spiritually. The shroom experience brought me to my knees. It was so overwhelming, and after looking deep inside, I realized there is a need to let go to experience the journey (and spirituality in general) the right way. Let go of control, let go of the ego, let go of expectations, and let go of any preconceived notions of the world itself.
What I was able to experience on the journey was out of this world. When the music played, I found myself one with the music as if I was composing each note, each sound like I was walking one step through the wilderness on some great hike. I’m there with family and friends, and I see them smiling. It truly can be a beautiful experience. I am still learning and understanding. It seems everyone reacts differently to the shroom experience. Some comfortably go into a deep meditation. Some see excellent benefits at the onset. Some need to work through issues at their core that are not addressed adequately before progressing in the journey and transcending. After the sessions, I already feel a heightened sense of awareness, an increased empathy for people, and value in being spiritually centered in the seat of the Self. I’ve seen enough that I know there is another beautiful world to learn from. My spiritual interest is now the highest it's been in 30 years.
On recommendation from VC, I picked up Michael Singer’s book, “The Untethered Soul.” I finished that book, inspiring me to read the sequel, “Living Untethered.” He has a way of conveying the message and sharing insights that have always existed in older spiritual texts but are more accessible to the modern world. I’m also now paying more attention to other spiritual masters, like Sadhguru, dusting off my old Jiddu Krishnamurti books, Stoicism, and even thinking about Bible and Hindu passages I run into with a new perspective. That channel to the spiritual universe is opening for me, and I thirst for more wisdom. I asked VC, “Am I having a midlife crisis? Is questioning my previous assumptions normal?” He related to having grappled with the same questions and that this is part of the journey that shrooms can do for a person, opening those spiritual pathways.
I value more than ever that a greater good comes out of meditation, spiritual teachings, and religion. The shroom experience is not the only way to find transcendence, to “see the light,” but it certainly feels like a faster track to make spiritual progress. It is more than I’ve ever been close to experiencing.
My friends look at me and notice a change in my behavior. I am getting asked, “Are you okay,” as if something is wrong with me that they would like to help me through. Maybe they have a right to wonder and ask that question as they observe when I turn stoic and quiet. On the contrary, I am more okay than I’ve been in a long time. I don’t think it’s a spiritual crisis, but maybe more of a spiritual revolution. Something is starting to wake up inside. I’m beginning to realize my true self; there is much more to understand and process to get there.
I plan to return to Sacred Shroom to go further down in my spiritual journey, to truly understand my essence, my true Self, to be enlightened and gather insights from the larger universe, and most importantly, to do so with an open mind and no expectations.
- AC