The Ocean of Knowledge

Sep 24, 2022

It was my friend's 50th birthday and all he wanted as a gift was for me to do shrooms with him.   It was a small stem, maybe just 1 gram.  We had done shrooms recreationally like this many years before in Vang Vieng, Laos.  It was an interesting experience, but I wasn't dying to do it again.  So anyway, I ate it.

It changed my life.

The first thing that happened though, was after some short time, I puked.   I felt it coming so went to the bathroom and experienced one of the most violent and physically intense vomiting sessions I've ever had.   I became aware of sacrificing breathing to vomit and vice versa.  Strangely, inside I was calm despite it being quite scary-looking.  Afterwards, I felt I was now "ready".  For what? I didn't know yet.

When my eyes were open, the world seemed to be filled with little glyphs.  It was like I was swimming in a pool of tiny symbols.  I could still make out shapes and colors and people, but they were composed of these symbols.  I felt if I got too close to something else, my glyphs would merge into whatever I was close to.  I decided to sit down and close my eyes.

What followed next was the idea that I was in the presence of something ancient and massive.  I felt it was the most intelligent thing that has ever existed.  All of humankind's knowledge was just a drop in its ocean of vast experience and wisdom.   It was feeding me information at a rate I was unable to process.  Its intention wasn't for me to understand, but to impress upon me how MUCH it was.  I felt humbled and small to be even aware of it.

It told me or I thought the words "learn about me".  Learn about shroms?  Also it told me "you will dedicate much of your life to this".  Whoah.. man... I was just trying to get a little high at a birthday party, this was a bit much.  

It was around 9 a.m. before it let me go to sleep.  I was rambling all night long to my friends trying to express what I was downloading.  They were very cool to look after me as I must have sounded crazy.

Not the experience I was expecting.  

That month, I bought a bunch of mushrooms, gave it out to people, and asked them to tell me what happened.  Then one day I was introduced to the sacred shroom experience and that is when I found my purpose.

Since then we have hosted a sacred experience roughly every 10 days no matter where we were for a year and treated it like a medical research project.

That effort culminated in what you are reading now and the creation of this website.

- VC and Jovy